The Providers section of Pathways provides a database of:
- RTO's
- Group Training Companies
- TAFE Regions
- Training Providers
For most users a provider record will exist for any training a student may achieve that's non-curriculum. For example if you were within a school you would likely have a few TAFE Regions/institutes listed, Careers Australia, some local RTOs - possibly even the school if they are themselves RTO accredited.
Within each provider you can record related information including:
- One or more contact people, trainers or teachers
- One or more campuses if the provider is multi-site
- One or more courses if you wish to indicate which specific courses in Pathways you know this provider currently delivers for your students.
- An activity log of your contact with the provider if you wish to record communications between your organisation and the staff at the training provider.
Provider information is used in a number of key places within Pathways and generally you would add a provider if you needed to include their details in one of the following contexts:
Student Course Enrolments
Within each course record you link to a student you can indicate the training provider delivering this course. If a student has multiple courses linked to their profile it's likely they could have varying providers for each.
Placement Details
You may wish to indicate that a placement with a Host Employer is related to a specific training provider or RTO. Each placement record has an optional Provider Name and Provider Contact field that links into Pathways' provider database.