Within each student record you can attach one or more courses to track a students course activities that are not defined as being a school subject. For example the types of courses often recorded here include:
- Any external course being delivered by an RTO
- An external program run by another educational institution, such as leadership courses, mentoring programs or safety courses.
- TAFE Courses or Programs - for example the TAFE at Schools Program offerings during school years
As Pathways is about tracking and enhancing the vocational learning journey of a student its common to see everything non-school-curriculum in the student's courses.
Key Course Details
For each course you can record a set of core details that give you context as to what the student is studying or experiencing and when. As it's common to list external VET courses here such as TAFE programs there is also the ability to indicate a campus and a day.
Course List
When adding a course to a student you may wish to first confirm you have all the courses entered in your master settings list. Users with access to the settings function (top right of the Pathways Home Page) should use the Curriculum Courses editing option to maintain the list of courses available for linking to a student record. Each year there are often training package changes including code and description changes as well as new or discontinued courses, and the settings screen allows you to manage this reference list safely and easily.
Provider List
In the top navigation bar of Pathways is a link named Providers, which specifically refers to training providers that may not be the school. For example TAFE would be classed as a Provider, as would a Coding Academy for students that may not be an RTO. The use of the word Provider is intentionally non-descript as it's goal is to cater for any organisation providing a service or education experience for the student that's not a school.