Using the Groups feature of Pathways Cloud you can send an email to one or more students, guardians / parents, host contacts or host supervisors in one run - also called a Bulk email.
Examples of Bulk Emails sent include:
- Host followup survey links
- Host placement confirmations
- Host placement postcards
- Host placement reminders
- Student placement confirmations
- Student placement postcards
Sending a bulk email to a group is really quick and simple:
1) Find the group in question
2) Click on the "Email" tab within the Group Detail screen
3) Select who you wish to contact; student, guardian / parent, host contact or host supervisor
4) Select a template to send via email from the drop down list or choose "Send Without a Template" to compose an email before sending
5) Tick the contacts you wish to be recipients or select all by clicking the tick box at the top of the list
6) If you choose to "Send Without a Template" compose your email
7) Send and Log!
After you send a message the following things also happen:
- Pathways will log that message to each students Placement Activity Log automatically
- Pathways will make a note in the Group Activity log that a message was sent.