It's not uncommon for a coordinator working with multiple schools to have a single group with students and/or placements from more than one school. The ability to link students and placements relating to any school is useful and logical to the Pathways coordinator, however how does this impact the Teacher Portal? This article outlines the scenarios involved and how to control "who sees what" for the multi-school group scenario.
Scenario 1: Single School Group - Most Common
This is the most common use of groups by school and broker-style coordinators, and is when the coordinator has chosen a specific school when setting up the group. Teachers logging into the Pathways Teacher Portal must be linked to the chosen school in order to see this group and it's students and placements.
Scenario 2: Multiple School Group
There are occasions where a coordinator may have a group that will contain students from MULTIPLE schools. These are common at training centres or RTO's, where a course is run across multiple schools and those students register directly into Pathways - all into the one Pathways group.
Historically, the challenge here has been the group can be linked to a single school only (as with Scenario 1), which means teachers logging in from multiple schools would never see this group, or only one of them would see it if they were the chosen school.
Pathways includes an option to allow a single group that has students from multiple schools to be visible in all the appropriate Teacher Portals. If the group has no school selected, within the "Teacher Portal" options, you can indicate if this group is a Multi-School group. When this option is selected, teachers can see the group via the Pathways Teacher Portal if there is one or more students in the group linked to their school. They can only see students linked to their own school also for privacy and security reasons. This option allows the central Pathways coordinator to maintain a single Pathways group, and let teachers selectively see only their own students/placements within the group safely.
NOTE: this option only appears if the group has no single school chosen.