Placement snapshots are all about tracking totals and counts for your placements over time. Often these are used for board, committee or funding body data collection means, but we believe their true value lies in having a great birds-eye view of your placements. Identifying trends, peak periods and choke points is so much easier when you have a grid of numbers to digest.
Where are Placement Snapshots?
From the Placements Dashboard, on the left under Analysis.
Filter your Data
Use these filters to narrow down the results of the snapshot - by school, gender, year level etc. Using different combinations of filters you can get a great overall view of placements over time.
Placement by Days Snapshot
This screen provides you with a summary of the day totals for your program for the selected period. These totals come from the placement "Days" field and are an aggregate.
Placement by Hours Snapshot
This screen provides you with a summary of the hour totals for your program for the selected period. These totals come from the placement "Hours" field and are an aggregate.
Placement Totals Snapshot
Use this screen to get a summary of the number of placements for your program for the selected period - by total we mean a "count" of placements.